# Validation

JSON schema (opens new window) validation can be enabled by setting the jsonSchema property of a model class. The validation is ran each time a Model instance is created.

You rarely need to call $validate method explicitly, but you can do it when needed. If validation fails a ValidationError will be thrown. Since we use Promises, this usually means that a promise will be rejected with an instance of ValidationError.

See the recipe book for instructions if you want to use some other validation library.

# Examples

All these will trigger the validation:

Person.fromJson({ firstName: 'jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence' });
await Person.query().insert({ firstName: 'jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence' });
await Person.query()
  .update({ firstName: 'jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence' })
  .where('id', 10);

// Patch operation ignores the `required` property of the schema
// and only validates the given properties. This allows a subset
// of model's properties to be updated.
await Person.query()
  .patch({ age: 24 })
  .where('age', '<', 24);

await Person.query().insertGraph({
  firstName: 'Jennifer',
  pets: [
      name: 'Fluffy'

await Person.query().upsertGraph({
  id: 1,
  pets: [
      name: 'Fluffy II'

Validation errors provide detailed error message:

try {
  await Person.query().insert({ firstName: 'jennifer' });
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err instanceof objection.ValidationError); // --> true
  console.log(err.data); // --> {lastName: [{message: 'required property missing', ...}]}

Error parameters returned by ValidationError could be used to provide custom error messages:

try {
  await Person.query().insert({ firstName: 'jennifer' });
} catch (err) {
  let lastNameErrors = err.data.lastName;

  for (let i = 0; i < lastNameErrors.length; ++i) {
    let lastNameError = lastNameErrors[i];

    if (lastNameError.keyword === 'required') {
      console.log('This field is required!');
    } else if (lastNameError.keyword === 'minLength') {
      console.log('Must be longer than ' + lastNameError.params.limit);
    } else {
      console.log(lastNameError.message); // Fallback to default error message