# PostgreSQL "returning" tricks
Because PostgreSQL (and some others) support returning('*') chaining, you can actually insert
a row, or update
/ patch
/ delete
existing rows, and receive the affected rows as Model instances in a single query, thus improving efficiency. See the examples for more clarity.
# Examples
Insert and return a Model instance in 1 query:
const jennifer = await Person.query()
.insert({ firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence' })
console.log(jennifer.createdAt); // NOW()-ish
console.log(jennifer.id); // Sequence ID
Update a single row by ID and return the updated Model instance in 1 query:
const jennifer = await Person.query()
.patch({ firstName: 'Jenn', lastName: 'Lawrence' })
.where('id', 1234)
console.log(jennifer.updatedAt); // NOW()-ish
console.log(jennifer.firstName); // "Jenn"
Patch a Model instance and receive DB updates to Model instance in 1 query:
const updateJennifer = await jennifer
.patch({ firstName: 'J.', lastName: 'Lawrence' })
console.log(updateJennifer.updatedAt); // NOW()-ish
console.log(updateJennifer.firstName); // "J."
Delete all Persons named Jennifer and return the deleted rows as Model instances in 1 query:
const deletedJennifers = await Person.query()
.where({ firstName: 'Jennifer' })
console.log(deletedJennifers.length); // How many Jennifers there were
console.log(deletedJennifers[0].lastName); // Maybe "Lawrence"
Delete all of Jennifer's dogs and return the deleted Model instances in 1 query:
const jennsDeletedDogs = await jennifer
.where({ species: 'dog' })
console.log(jennsDeletedDogs.length); // How many dogs Jennifer had
console.log(jennsDeletedDogs[0].name); // Maybe "Fido"
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